Yesterday on the way home from work I passed this dresser that was on the curb and of course I wanted it! So when I got home I had to sweet talk the hubby into going to pick it up with me (being 5'-1" I clearly could not do it myself). Our neighbor was so kind to come along and help as well. When we got there and was checking it out the lady came out and said she was so happy that someone was finally picking it up, and to take the drawers out because it was heavy as lead (and it is). So it now sits in our basement (thus the backdrop in the photo) waiting for a new life. I plan on painting it and would LOVE suggestions! Right now I am thinking of a soft grey, similar to Paula's dresser in her room Or should I go classic with white or black?

Do the gray! You could always change it later, but I'm loving it!
Three cheers for gray! I've had a huge case of gray-itis, a lot of my friends are warning me that it's a gloomy color but I'm having lots of fun.
The grain is very interesting. Is it possible to do a gray wash that lets the grain show through a bit? Nice pick up.
I would do a dark grey with a funky wall paper top - ala
I can't believe that is what you find on your curbs. It's magnificent. You would never find that on a curb here in Australia. We literally just put out rubbish! A-M xx
Thanks for all the suggestions! It sounds like grey is a winner.
i think grey too!!! :-)
The gray wash sounds really neat if it works, I'd try it, you can always paint over it.
I wish that was on a curb near me!
Any chance it could become a bathroom vanity?
It's lovely!
what awesome finds, I love that dresser! It is going to be so pretty when you paint it!!
not gray! it looks a bit sad. some laquered bright color!
beautiful dresser, none like that on my street!
Wish I had found it first!
What ever you do with it will look,
Really? On the curb. So lucky!
Working on a dresser re do of my own...did you ever reveal? I am looking for the after shot but can't find it...
Great article, Thanks for your great information, the content is quiet interesting. I will be waiting for your next post.
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