
Fun Size...

Also known as petite, tiny, small, shorty, and little. I am short (5'-1") and I am fine with my height. Although some tasks may take a little more effort at times. Which brings me one of the most genius ideas I have ever seen (and must have one day)...the shelf under the cabinet. Nothing special to some, and some may not even like it, but it me it is wonderful! Yes it makes the upper cabinets higher (I am already going to need a stool anyway), but it provides additional cabinet and countertop space and is perfect for everyday items. I first saw this kitchen in the beloved Cottage Living and then Erika at Urban Grace Interiors showed it off again in all it's glory on Friday. Oh how I love it!

Which brings me to my everyday item I use in the kitchen and around the house, the E-Z Foldz Step Stool (in white & black). To me, it is a must have for all the petite peeps out there that need a leg up (pun intended) or maybe for a few kiddos that may need help as well. I picked mine up at BBB (don't forget the coupon!). And one of the best features, it folds up, saving you additional space! Have a blessed day!


Lauren said...

I love this kitchen too!! :) My next-door neighbor (5') also has the little stool in her kitchen& swears by it! :)

monarte said...

Nice Idea,,, It would clear off a lot of clutter on my counters and I could show off some of my favorite kitchen cuties.
And make yet another place for me to put a plant.

Anonymous said...

Cute ideas!
I have the opposite problem - I'm 5'10 so I'm always stooping over my kitchen counters. But two of my best friends are 5'1, so I understand your reaching difficulties!