
Cottage Makeovers...

While out at Lowe's this weekend I was thrilled when I saw this special edition in the magazine stands. I remember seeing an ad for it in the December issue (the last issue) of Cottage Living and have been wondering if they published it. I snatched it up to add to our library! If you love before and afters, quick tips, and happily ever afters, pick up a copy today.


Darlene - Our Creative Life said...

Looks like a great book! I love Lowe's...I'll check it out this week. I'm there at least once a week.

Pink Wallpaper said...

love them...i will have to purchase that...still so sad that they are gone.

Mommy Harris said...

oh, i love to be inspired by a book or a magazine, it's such a refreshing exciting feeling!

paula said...

i completely forgot about this special issue. spending hiatus, ugh.

The Steel Magnolia House said...

OMG! I am salivating...I have to go tomorrow to get my copy! CL is (was) my very favorite publication. Thanks SO much for posting!!

Anonymous said...

I love before and afters - I find them really energising and inspirational. I wish we could buy this special edition here in Australia! It's not too hard to buy US magazines here, but because this is a special issue it would probably be very hard to find...nevertheless I will keep my eye out for it, so thanks for bringing it to my attention!

Admin said...

I've been looking for this all over the place. It was supposed to come out late November or December or something like that. I went to several newsstands looking for it, they all thought I was hallucinating.

You lucky bastard!

. . . make copies.