Prayers are needed for a family and one sweet little boy; Elijah Serritt (19 months old). Elijah hasn't been feeling well and at the first of the month he was air lifted to Children's Hospital in Birmingham, AL. When a CAT scan was performed it show that there was a tumor one-third the size of his brain that had attached itself to his cerebellum and had wrapped itself around his spinal cord. They performed emergency surgery and were able to take 90% of the tumor out. The last 10% will have to be treated with chemotherapy.
Elijah was able to go home this week, and chemo was scheduled to start in two weeks. On Wednesday (22nd) Elijah had to have another emergency surgery, for the spinal fluid that was building up on the brain, to drain. They are hoping that the incision heals quickly so they can put the port in Monday and start Chemo next week. During the emergency surgery the doctor took a sample of the spinal fluid to be tested for the cancer cells in the spinal fluid. They received the results back today and it is not what they wanted to hear. The cancer has spread through the spinal fluid and they do not know when they will put the port in to start the chemo. Please pray for healing in Elijah. Our God is an Awesome God! We are all brother and sisters in Christ, and Jesus is their peace, comfort, strength, and understanding in a time like this.
For more information and to see a photo of Elijah, with his parents Gary & Vasiliki, visit here.
*10-27-08: Elijah had the port for chemo put in this morning, but chemo is postponed until the doctor can determine why he continues to have an upset stomach. A spinal tap was performed to confirm if the cancer cells have spread to the spinal fluid in the spine or not.
*11-3-08: Elijah started chemo
*11-9-08: Bogart Motorsports Benefit Ride for Elijah. More info here.
good post, good prayer, they are on their way up and have been.
Prayers Prayers Prayers!!!!!!!!!
Prayers happening over here for that sweet little soul.
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