
Open House: Low Country Encampment


Emily said...

Thanks for the inspiration! The sage works . . . not quite bright enough for me to personally use, but these rooms are lovely and serene.


Rebecca Corvese said...

I love these photos and especially the bedroom. There aren't many bedroom photos that I see that I think...I would sleep there, but this bedroom was one!

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ejlynn said...

Love everything!!

Anonymous said...

Sooo insanely gorgeous!!!! I cant stand it!! I love the arm rests too! Now, why couldnt you paint them? Because you didnt want to? I love it like this anyways!! Great job
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Gina L. said...

Oh WOW!!!! Such an inspiration.... The house is so perfect, I so love it!

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The house looking very nice and well decorated.Everything looking so perfect and colorful.

Tina said...

Great post.I have got lot of inspiration about home improvement from this blog.Really very nice.

Gait Analysis said...

Rooms decorated with wonderful furniture.Looking everything nice here.

Daryl @ electrical contractors Sarasota FL said...

I'm impressed with the lighting selections. I'm sure the candle chandelier near the fireplace and the candle dining table lamp create an awesome ambiance. The two nightstand lamps beside the bed are very unique.

Ana said...

Muchas gracias por la inspiración, Beautiful pictures and writing. Great work!

indianity said...

Wow... Beautiful images. Image says it all. :)

Anonymous said...

Very nice house! The images are from very high quality! I like this house because it is very open and I personally like high ceilings. It is clear that the interior designer chose for certain colors and made sure that the whole house used this colors. I really like the interior! The stairs in this house are very nice however I would like to see spiral stairs in this house as this would complement the already very nice house and interior. Great post, I look forward to more posts like these!

Lisa said...

Thanks for sharing these beautiful pictures, very inspirational !
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Excellent pictures..Every rooms are very spacious this gives a relaxation nature..Love this

Sandra said...

I love the table centrpo made with tree trunks gives it a very rustic and full of personality.

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The house looking very nice and well decorated.Everything looking so perfect and colorful.

Cara Mengatasi Ngorok said...

The house looking very nice and well decorated.Everything looking so perfect and colorful.

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