The exterior of this Nantucket cottage alone makes me want to move it, but wait till you see the fabulous interior transformation; it makes it even better. {want more of Nantucket, don't miss Erika's photos from her trip. Nantucket is on our 'must visit' list}.
courtesy: Architectural Record, via Shelter
Oooh. I wanna see more!
That is fabulous!
I could never get my husband to move into a cottage style home, but I am in love!
Stunning cottage!!! I love it!
WOW so impressive. Would LOVE to have a project like that to work on!
I love it, would love to have a cottage like that to get away to. thank You for sharing, great pictures.
That is the summer cottage of designer Jeffrey Bilhuber, now sold however.
How adorable!
I know this cottage is so super sweet, I had featured it too as had Julia from Hooked on Houses. It's captured all our hearts! And thanks for the link to urban grace interiors..., it just gave me an idea for a little post on A Beach Lovers Place.
What a charming cottage. Great blog!
this very well may be my dream house. i love something tiny & unassuming that is executed to imperfect perfection.
I AM IN LOVE...I want a cottage now!
Inspiring to say the least!
I am swooning away.
congrats on your Washington Post nod! I love cottages...whatever happened to the mag Cottage Living?
gorgeous transformation!
I think this cottage went form charming and soulful to standard Pottery Barn...who wants to stay in a dreary brown (!!!) room in Nantucket...this is really sad.
What a lovely cottage. Great use of storage space while upping the charm factor, love it!
Sadly, I agree with the previous anonymous comment .. a tiny cottage with soul has had its character overlooked in the process of being made 'average'.
I love this. Just what I want when my daughter graduates next spring.
beautiful, and a great blog by the way!
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