
Purity of Purpose...

The metal stools in the kitchen had me at hello. This circa-1920s mill
house was a labor of love, that took 12 years and two renovations to
complete, to make room for a growing family. Not only did the the couple
restore the floors and transform the layout, but they took the entire footprint
of the house up, adding a second floor and doubling the overall square footage
of the house. The pristine palette enveloping the space leaves you with a
strong impression. The homeowners were drawn to white because it is clean,
simple, and easy to live with. He wanted to make his home the idyllic opposite
of his workspace, a metalworking studio; going from the gritty and cluttered
character of his shop, to the purity and quietude of his home. The hints of color throughout the house are shown by a few carefully chosen heirlooms, locally sourced antiques and works on canvas by home owner's mother.

courtesy: AH&L


Mommy Harris said...

I love the bed in the last pic but I see it in black....i see everything in black! haha Morticia strikes again!

Tara Dillard said...

Love it all, especially the garden gate.

Garden & Be Well, XO Tara

Down Pillow said...

Of all things...I really love the beautiful gate - it's just so welcoming :)

Anonymous said...

Can I just say, OMG!!! I think I'm in love!

paula said...

so serene...

LindsB said...

Love those kitchen stools, they had me at hello too :)

Jennifer said...

gorgeous! I've got to pick up AH&L more often ...

Jeanne Oliver said...

Just gorgeous!!!

Anonymous said...

I just love clean, bright spaces like this. So much light, smooth lines, but so much character. Great post.