
Bag It Up...

My sister emailed me this product last week. I think these bags are a great idea! We all want to help the environment by using less plastic bags, but it doesn't seem ideal to carry around a lot of bags. I think this product solves that problem. I plan to invest in some. Has anyone heard of them, have them, or used them?


Anonymous said...

i used baggu's and i love them. take 'em to target, walmart, the grocery... wherever!! just hand them over before the evildoer's pull out the plastic.


Jennifer said...

I have some of the reusable bags from Publix, and I love them (I totally break them out everywhere, too). They will put SO much more stuff in them than they will in the plastic ones, which is nice.

Christi said...

my aunt gave me a few of these and they are great. they are great for travel too when you don't want to carry a larger purse/bag for your vacation purchases but know you need room.

we use the extra large ll bean boat and tote bags for our grocery shopping because we live ont he top floor of our apartment building. two will get all our groceries up in one trip.